- Beancurd 豆腐
Items with star are recommended by our chef and patrons

招牌豆腐 Specialty Beancurd
SGD 13.00

砂煲豆腐 Claypot Beancurd
SGD 13.00

红烧豆腐 Braised Beancurd
SGD 13.00

上海豆腐 Shanghai Beancurd
SGD 18.00

蟹扒豆腐 Beancurd with Crabmeat
SGD 18.00

虾球豆腐 Beancurb with De-Shelled Prawn
SGD 22.00

四宝豆腐 Four Treasure Beancurd (Prawn, Fish Maw, Scallop & Sea Cucumber)
SGD 22.00